Digital Resources
Swedish-American Research Resources
- Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI)
- Swedish-American Historical Book Collection (North Park University)
- History of the Swedes of Illinois by Ernst Wilhelm Olson, 1908
- History of Scandinavians and Successful Scandinavians in the United States Vol. I and II by O. N. Nelson, 1897
- 100 Years: A History of Bishop Hill, Illinois by Theo. J. Anderson
Swedish Mission Covenant Church
- Missionären (North Park University)
- Evangelical Free Church Yearbooks (Trinity International University)
- The Mission Covenant of America (North Park University)
- A History of the Swedish Mission Covenant Church of America to 1895 (North Park University)
- Three Covenant Presidents: Biographical Sketches of the First Three Presidents of the Evangelical Mission Covenant Church of America
Swedish Lutheran Church
- The Swedish Rite by Lutheran Church in Sweden, 1921
- The Augustana Lutheran Church in America, Pioneer Period 1846-1860 by Oscar N. Olson, 1950
Swedish Methodist Church
- Minutes of the Annual Conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church 1878-1879 (Death of Rev. Andrew Ericson of Swede Bend)
Swedish Baptist Church
- History of the Swedish Baptists in Sweden and America by G. W. Schroeder, 1898
- Eighty Years of Swedish Baptist Work in Iowa 1853-1933 by L. J. Ahlstrom, 1933
- Chapter V: Stratford Swedish Baptist Church (Swede Bend)
- Historical Sketches of Iowa Baptists by Rev. S. H. Mitchell, 1886
- A Century of Iowa Baptist History 1834-1934 by G.P. Mitchell, 1934
- Swedish Baptists in America by J.O. Backlund, 1933
County Histories
- Centennial History of Webster County by E.G. Morgan, 1876
- History of Boone County, Iowa by Union Historical Company, 1880
- History of Boone County, Iowa by N.E. Goldthwait, 1914
- History of Fort Dodge and Webster County by H.M. Pratt, 1913
- History of Hamilton County, Iowa by Jesse W. Lee, 1912
- Reminiscences of Newcastle (Webster City), Iowa 1848 by Sarah and Harriet Bonebright
- Annals of Iowa, State Historical Society of Iowa
- Iowa Heritage Illustrated, State Historical Society of Iowa
- Swedish American Genealogist, Swenson Center
- The Palimpsest, State Historical Society of Iowa
Journal Articles
- America Letters and Iowa's First Swedish Settlements by Kevin Proescholdt (Swedish-American Historical Quarterly)
- An Iowa Barn: Swedish Style by Pat Sonquist Lane (The Palimpsest)
- Early Cedar Rapids Swedish Churches by B. L. Wick (Annals of Iowa)
- Early Swedish Immigration to Iowa, Iowa Journal of History and Politics
- Eric Corey's New Sweden, Iowa (Swedish-American Historical Quarterly)
- From Djursdala to Andover, Illinois in 1850 by Charles J. Hoflund (Swedish-American Historical Quarterly)
- From Östergötland to Iowa Part 1 by D. A. Peterson (Swedish-American Historical Quarterly)
- From Östergötland to Iowa Part 2 by D. A. Peterson (Swedish-American Historical Quarterly)
- My Swedish Heritage by Myron S. Anderson (The Palimpsest)
- Life in Early New Sweden, Iowa by Ardith K. Melloh (Swedish-American Historical Quarterly)
- Memories of a Swedish Immigrant by C.J.A. Ericson (Annals of Iowa)
- New Sweden, Iowa by Ardith K. Melloh (The Palimpsest)
- Peter Cassel's America by Lilly Setterdahl (Swedish-American Historical Quarterly)
- Peter Dahlberg and the First Swedish Settlement in Iowa by Robert and Charles Dahlberg (Annals of Iowa)
- Pioneer Homes at Swede Point, Iowa by Roberta Anderson Smith (Swedish-American Historical Quarterly)
- Pioneering in Iowa by Carl E. Seashore (The Palimpsest)
- Story of a Country School by Myron S. Anderson (The Palimpsest)
- Swedish Lutheran Church in Iowa by Joseph A. Anderson (Annals of Iowa)
- The 1869 Svenarum Swedish Immigrant Party to Swede Point, Iowa by Earl Check and Kevin Proescholdt (Swedish-American Historical Quarterly)
- The Dalander Colony at Swede Point, Iowa by Roberta Anderson Smith (Swedish-American Historical Quarterly)
- The Dayton Swedish Settlement by Carl E. Seashore (The Palimpsest)
- The Demography of the New Sweden Settlement in Iowa, 1845-1880 by Kevin Proescholdt
- The District School by Carl E. Seashore (The Palimpsest)
- The Early Swedish Immigration to Iowa (Iowa Journal of History and Politics)
- The Peripatetic Life of Anna Dalander by Kevin Proescholdt (Swedish-American Historical Quarterly)
- The Peripatetic Life of Anna Dalander Continued by Kevin Proescholdt (Swedish-American Historical Quarterly)
- The Scandinavian Factor in the American Population (Iowa Journal of History and Politics)